DSX Atlas Port Injection System

DSX Atlas Port Injection System
As low as $2,000.00

DSX Tuning Atlas Port Controller


So and so already gets info from the CAN network. You aren't doing anything new! Right?...

There is a marked difference between grabbing what's available on the main vehicle CAN bus... and creating your own CAN definitions based on memory variables. Tons of people out there tap into the main CAN bus and grab tons of basics like pedal position, throttle position, ethanol content, wheel speed, etc. We go much further so we can get data nobody else does. We also speed the network up to 160Hz which is twice as fast as the stock CAN networks.

Do I need widebands?

No, you don't need widebands. The system is extremely reliable, and because it is physics based, you aren't going to end up with massive drifts due to operating condition changes like ethanol content or fuel pressure. The controller has built in support for single or dual bank widebands if you want closed loop. In single wideband operation, all eight cylinders are trimmed based off of the wideband feedback. In dual operation, trimming is bank specific. If you opt for widebands, you can log them directly in HP Tuners without a ProLink.

Can I log the controller in HP Tuners?

Yes, the controller is supported in HP Tuners and will show up as a supported device in VCM Scanner. There are a number of parameters you can log. We are working on an in-car expansion device for the OBD2 port that will display data on the dash (we are debating whether we want this to be configurable).

More Information
SKU DSX Atlas Port Injection System
design & development - Matt6 Studios, LLC